Handgrip Strength
Tesnor® significantly improves handgrip strength in healthy young males

Each bar represent mean % change of Handgrip strength from baseline. * and # indicate significance (p<0.05) in intragroup comparison, vs. baseline (paired t-test) and intergroup comparison vs. placebo (ANCOVA), respectively.
Tesnor® significantly improves handgrip strength in healthy young males

Each bar represent mean % change of the left- and right Mid Upper-arm Circumferences from baseline. * and # indicate significance (p<0.05) in intragroup comparison, vs. baseline (paired t-test) and intergroup comparison vs. placebo (ANCOVA), respectively.
Sreeramaneni PGA, Yalamanchi A, Konda MR, Cherukuri SHV, Maroon JC. A Proprietary Herbal Blend Containing Extracts of Punica granatum Fruit Rind and Theobroma cocoa Seeds Increases Serum Testosterone Level in Healthy Young Males: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study. J Diet Suppl. 2022 Feb 6:1-17. doi: 10.1080/19390211.2022.2035037. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35129040.